Are you interested in learning how you can bring back a lost love?no matter what the resistance, no matter how distant this person is from you, no matter how hopeless your situation appears? There are a lot of factors that destroy ... A vacation together away from distractions will help. * Bring Back A Lost Love ? Newness. Do not be afraid to experiment to bring spice into the relationship. New experiences will bond you together and help you rediscover each other. ...
First vacation: disney world. 58. First pair of trainers: ?? what. RIGHT NOW: 59. Eating: nothing. 60. Drinking: dr. thunder. 61. I'm about to: close out my shift and shut down the pool. 62. Listening to: ramones ... I had much more of a life back then than i do now! 98. The moment you would choose to relive: the night i went to my first mcr concert! 99. Are you afraid of falling in love: no. 100. Are you afraid of posting this as 100 truths: no ...
First vacation = When I was 2, to France, that was my last one too xD 57. First hair die = 11 years, to ginger xD 58. First pair of trainers = Ehm xD? RIGHT NOW: 59. Eating = Nothing. xD 60. Drinking = Fanta! 61. I'm about to = Proceed writing! ... Are you afraid of falling in love? = no, since I can control myself when in love and I can forget about it almost as fast as I want, at least, all the other times it was like that. 100. Posting this as 100 truths? = Apparently! ...